(ICSE) 2024:

Fostering Collaborative Innovation to Accelerate International Academic Achievement

December 6, 2024



Social entrepreneurship is a powerful force for positive change, addressing global challenges with innovative solutions. It departs from traditional charity models, blending business principles with a commitment to social and environmental issues. Social entrepreneurs use innovative ideas and profit-driven strategies to create sustainable impact. Despite its progress, social entrepreneurship faces challenges like regulation, financing, and scalability. To address this, the International Conference on Social Entrepreneurship (ICSE) is proposed, aiming to unite thought leaders, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss developments, share insights, and foster collaboration. ICSE seeks to accelerate the growth of social entrepreneurship, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable global community.

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Ms. Nou Chanrachna

Camtech University
from Cambodia

Dr. B. Ian Arcega

Capiz State University
from Philippines

Prof. Dr. Alimatus Sahrah, M.Si., M.M.

Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
from Indonesia

Dr. Mark Govers

Maastricht University
from Netherlands

Prof. Muhammad Ali, Ph.D.

University of California Riverside
from USA

Prof. Handoyo Puji Widodo

King Abdulaziz University
from Saudi Arabia


Full Paper Submission Deadline

November 28,2024

Payment and Registration

November 28, 2024

Conference Dates

December 6, 2024


ICSE themes and ICSE cover multidiscipline.

ICSE themes related with:
  1. Social Innovation and Impact
  2. Scaling for Social Change
  3. Social Finance and Investment
  4. Digitizing for SME’s
  5. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  6. Technology for Humanity
  7. People Centered Development
  8. Poverty Reduction and Equality
  9. Inclusive and Collaborative Education
  10. Human well-being and Social Welfare
  11. Integrated Farming and Sustainable Agriculture
  12. Communication and Community Empowerment
  13. Human Capital and Business Transformation
ICSE cover multidiscipline field such as:
  1. Agriculture
  2. Psychology
  3. Education
  4. Information Technology
  5. Business and Economics
  6. Communication, and the other fields.


Research Presentations

A platform for scholars to present and discuss their latest research findings.

Student Competition

A platform for students to present and showcase their ideas or research report on the paper and social business plan.

Call for Papers

We invite researchers, academics, and practitioners to submit papers and proposals aligned with the conference themes. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and selected papers will be published in the journal.

Important Dates
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline: [Proposed Deadline: November 28, 2024]
Conference Venue

[ICSE will be held as virtual conference using zoom platform].


the conference fees : $100/Paper

Early Bird :

IDR 500.000,- (Student)
IDR 600.000,- (Lecturer)
IDR 900.000,- (Non Student & Non Lecturer)

Reguler :

IDR 600.000,- (Student)
IDR 700.000,- (Lecturer)
IDR 1.000.000,- (Non Student & Non Lecturer)
*APC is covered by participants

Conference Management

The host of ICSE is Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Indonesia in collaboration with (co-host): Capiz State University and International Cultural Communication Center Malaysia

Facilities :

  • E-Certificate
  • Best Paper
  • Publication Opportunities:
    a. Reputable Internasional Journal ( Scopus – Copernicus)
    b. Accredited National Journal ( Sinta 1-4)


Submit Your Paper For Conference

Student Competition

Register for student competition


  1. The paper should be original. It includes the creative idea of the participant and this idea has never been included in a competition and or published.
  2. The paper is categorized into two types: research, community service.
  3. Focus of papers: Entrepreneurship, Culture
  4. Paper is written in English using the following writing format:
  • Length of paper: 6-10 pages (excluding reference)
  • Paper size: A4
  • Headings: Times New Romans, 14pt, bold
  • Body: Times New Romans, 12pt
  • Margin: Top, Bottom. Right: 3 cm, Left: 4 cm
  • Line spacing: 1,5

5. Paper structure:

  • Title, author (s), institution, e-mail correspondence
  • Abstract
  • Introduction (background, urgency of the problem, writing purposes)
  • Literature review (theories used in the paper, hypothesis, research model and/or theoretical framework)
  • Method (includes at least: types of data, data collection method, sampling techniques, measurement and scale, data analysis technique)
  • Discussion and implication
  • Closing (conclusion, limitations and suggestions for future research)
  • References

6. Paper template can be downloaded at

7. Make video presentation in english with a maximum duration of 10 minutes, with the name file: Name of University_Name of The First Author (leader)_Title of Article

8. Participants register and send the paper in .pdf format with a maximum size of 10 MB, with the name file : Focus of Paper_ Name of University_Name of The First Author (leader)_Title of Article


  1. The proposal should be original. It includes the creative idea of the participant and this idea has never been included in a competition and or published.
  2. Proposal is written in English using the following writing format:
  • Length of paper: maximum 20 pages (excluding reference)
  • Paper size: A4
  • Headings: Times New Romans, 14pt, bold
  • Body: Times New Romans, 12pt
  • Margin: Top, Bottom. Right: 3 cm, Left: 4 cm
  • Line spacing: 1,5

3. Writing structure:

  • Cover (Title, Name and Symbol of University, Name of Members)
  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary (brief explanation of the proposal)
  • Business plan overview (at least covers about the background, problems to be solved with the business, purposes of the business, supporting data, Business Model Canvas or BMC)
  • Operation planning: supply, production
  • Human resources planning: staffing, organization structure
  • Marketing planning: market analysis, competitor analysis, distribution, promotion
  • Financial planning: includes calculation of capital, production costs, price, return of investment, profit (use some formulas for calculation)
  • Future plan: potential and sustainability of the business
  • References

4. Proposal template can be downloaded at

5. Make video presentation in english with a maximum duration of 10 minutes, with the name file : Name of University_Name of Leader_Title of Business Plan

6. Participants register and send the paper in .pdf format with a maximum size of 10 MB, with the name file : Name of University_Name of Leader_Title of Business Plan


Nature of Poster Competition Works

  1. The submitted work is in accordance with the theme of culture and entrepreneurship.
  2. The work is original (authentic).
  3. The works submitted to this competition have never been winners in any competition, and have never received any awards.
  4. Works submitted to this competition have never been or are not currently being submitted to any event.
  5. Submitted works do not contain elements of SARA, pornography, sadism, or anything that is demeaning or harassing to other parties.

Competition Rules

  1. Participants are students (high school or equivalent)
  2. Participants are individuals (not teams).
  3. Poster design competition participants can submit more than one work.
  4. Participants can enter more than one competition category.
  5. Contest participants are required to pay attention to the suitability of their work to the theme.
  6. Participants are prohibited from using visual elements taken from the internet (Examples: clipart, stock photos, and templates).
  7. Work must be uploaded on the ICSE website on the page
  8. Participants are required to follow the official social media accounts of Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta.
  9. Free visualization style, according to taste, ability, poster design needs, and minimalist.
  10. Participants can use Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw or other similar software.
  11. FileA3 sized work, 72 dpi resolution, in vertical/upright position (portrait).
  12. Submitted works are saved in .jpg, pdf or .png format.
  13. Participants whose work does not meet the Nature of Work as stated in point 3 and/or the Competition Terms will be disqualified.

Participant Registration

Register for participant


Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta, Kampus 1

Jl.Raya Wates-Jogjakarta, Karanglo, Argomulyo, Kec. Sedayu, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta



+62 856 4356 4794
+62 819 0470 4511


If you have any questions about the event, please contact us directly. We will respond for sure.



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